When testing onboard equipment of aircraft using navigation radar maps for navigation, there is a need for mathematical models of signals reflected from the earth’s surface and the sea surface. Traditionally, using theoretical constructions, such models were models of stochastic signals, the envelope fluctuations were described by the laws of Rayleigh and Rayleigh-Rice. These models were used both for simulating… Read more →
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Elibrary Perpustakaan Digital Rusia
Elibrary adalah salah satu perpustaan digital dari Kementrian Pendidikan Rusia dimana disinilah tempat serta informasi semua publikasi yang dilakukan oleb banyak penulis serta akademisi Rusia. Kebetulan ada beberapa tulisan saya yang di publikasikan di rusia oleh karena itu Anda bisa melihat publikasi saya di elibrary Read more →
Mathematical Model of Location Signal Reflections from The Substrate Surface of The Sea Observed By On-Board Radar
Satu lagi tulisan yang coba aku publikasikan bersama kolegaku di salah satu konferensi. Tulisan ini lebih banyak membahas tentang permodelan matematika terhadap pantulan signal dari Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) ke laut. Dengan judul Mathematical Model of Location Signal Reflections from The Substrate Surface of The Sea Observed By On-Board Radar. Semoga bermanfaat untuk kita semua Read more →